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August 14, 2008



If you are speaking of the Shred dvd (30 day/Jillian Michaels) I have that one on the way to me now. I also picked up Tony Horton 10-minute Trainer. I do two of those workouts each day and now walk again. Let me say that Tony Horton kicks my butt! I enjoy your posts with challenges and I find them full of good ideas and inspiration - even if I don't follow suit. Keep it up! I'll be reading along - and this time, exercizing along, too.


Wishing you great success with your 5 in 5 challenge. I'd like to wear a bikini someday, not sure if even getting in shape would cure the baby marks left behind. :/


I have a great recipe for crake cakes that are made without mayo so there's a lot less fat and they are so tasty!

Best part is you can make a big batch and freeze them. They taste as fresh as the day they were made. I'll email you the recipe.

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