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August 19, 2009



I think it is safe to say you've made HUGE progress in decluttering in the last year -- metaphorically, physically and basement-y. :)
I am so proud of you. And so glad you are reclaiming your focus.


Getting uncluttered is so refreshing!

Congratulations on your weight loss.


I re-named my "to do list" to "things that will make my home better for my family". That's dorky, huh? But it seems to be more motivational for me right now.


I love that you were able to learn and accomplish so much on your blogging vacation. I also love your commitment to listening to the universe and setting your intention to focus. I'm looking forward to following your journey!


Oooh I was beginning to have a little worry there that you have accomplished so much whilst not blogging that you were going to stop completely - now that would be sad x

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2010: Intention

Taking Part


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