Do you ever feel like the universe is sending you a message? For the past few weeks, it seems that I have been bombarded with a similar message. Whether while catching up on blogs, reading email newsletters, watching tv, looking at magazines or checking out links friends send me, everything is telling me to FOCUS.
I shouldn’t be surprised. I often try to do too much, too many things with my time. Sometimes the too much and too many things are important things, other times they are quite unimportant, spur of the moment things. When I try to juggle too much of both, the important things tend to suffer. And worst, sometimes I am moving so fast that I can’t even tell what is important anymore.
Enter my summer blogging vacation. I needed a break to free up some time. Not active doing time, but brain time – thinking time. I needed to put blogging and crafting on the back burner so I could unclutter some of my to do lists and free up my thoughts.
I have spent so much of the time since my Momma passed away and since my Pops got sick (no worries now, almost a year cancer free now) taking care of my family, trying to keep my emotions treading water above the depression line and working to keep my job. I fit in crafting when I could and did the bare minimum I needed to around the house and the yard. My social life was pretty much nonexistent. After more than a year and a half I needed to take stock and figure out where I go from here.
Goodness, I have to say the ultimate where do I go from here part is still a big question mark, but I have been able to make a big dent in the physical uncluttering of my world. I have gotten back close to my fighting weight, I have cleaned the house thoroughly, I have donated a lot of my old clothes and home goods, I have reorganized my craft space, I have started checking off home improvement projects from my list. I could keep going, honestly I can’t believe how much I have accomplished this summer. Little things really have added up.
The physical uncluttering has given me some freedom. The freedom to take some time to relax, to reconnect with an old group of friends I really, really missed and to start contemplating anything I want to. I think it also got my brain going so much about all the possibilities that I cluttered it right back up – just with different subjects, too many subjects. This is where my next phase of uncluttering comes in – mental unlcuttering. I really think that is what universe is telling me to do now. All those messages couldn’t just be coincidence.
So I start a new journey of reclaiming attention and focusing my intention. I am sure there will be ups and downs along the way, but I am actively inviting goodness and can’t wait to see where the journey takes me.
Don’t worry, there is plenty of room in this journey for blogging. All of you make this worth while and help me feel connected, inspired and grateful. I missed you while I was on vacation!
I think it is safe to say you've made HUGE progress in decluttering in the last year -- metaphorically, physically and basement-y. :)
I am so proud of you. And so glad you are reclaiming your focus.
Posted by: kelli | August 26, 2009 at 02:29 PM
Getting uncluttered is so refreshing!
Congratulations on your weight loss.
I re-named my "to do list" to "things that will make my home better for my family". That's dorky, huh? But it seems to be more motivational for me right now.
Posted by: Mary | August 26, 2009 at 08:18 AM
I love that you were able to learn and accomplish so much on your blogging vacation. I also love your commitment to listening to the universe and setting your intention to focus. I'm looking forward to following your journey!
Posted by: Colleen | August 23, 2009 at 10:50 PM
Oooh I was beginning to have a little worry there that you have accomplished so much whilst not blogging that you were going to stop completely - now that would be sad x
Posted by: lucy | August 20, 2009 at 04:22 AM