Last night I visited my Pops for dinner (an extra yummy dinner actually - he is a great cook) and afterward we watched episode one of The National Parks: America's Best Idea on PBS. Honestly, I wasn't actually that excited to watch it but I was willing to because I knew Pops would really enjoy it (and heck, at least it wasn't more sports since he had previously been channel surfing between golf, baseball, football and NASCAR - I am a sports girl, but one at a time is enough for me).
Within moments of the show starting, we were looking for a list of all the National Parks on my iPhone. Pops told me about all the parks he had visited and I realized I haven't been much of anywhere. I have two official visits on my list - Rocky Mountain National Park and Redwoods National Park. Both visits were when I was quite young and I really don't remember much of either of them. I have driven through the Smokey Mountains and the Everglades, but never actually stopped to officially check them out.
So as a result "Visit more National Parks" goes on my life list. I am longing for a little exploration and adventure (of course with some modern conveniences mixed in) and would love to visit with a journal and camera in hand. Hopefully someday. I need to stop saying "hopefully someday" and actually start doing... but that is a post for another day.
If you like history, check out the remaining episodes of the documentary this week on your local PBS channel or online. The documentary isn't just all pretty pictures, it talks about the explorers, how the National Park systems came to be and how it has changed. It is really well done.