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January 18, 2010



Sorry, I was referring to a different pattern!! :D Sorry about that.


You do nice work...just bought this pattern...I would say I'm an intermediate crocheter and I am having massive problems with this hat...not sure if I'm over thinking it or what! I contacted the seller and she is not responding...if you have time...any assistance on the trim with the button and the hat ended up being enormous :D me and we can chat since this was a purchased pattern....tur8l at yahoo. Thanks a million--Bess


If you are sharing this pattern I would love a copy! I've tried recreating the Anna hat a couple of times with only varying success! I love your hat...more so than the Anna! Thanks!
[email protected]


Beautiful hat! I too would love to receive the pattern for this hat.

Kjirsten Bray

If you decide to pass this pattern along, would you mind sending it to me as well? I've been looking all over for a hat pattern to make for Christmas gifts. This one looks perfect and it's driving me crazy that I can't get it anymore! Thanks :)

Sarah Bushey

Can you send it to me too??? I'm having the same problem as Carmen. I even tried to msg the seller with no success.


Hello, Love the hat enough to purchase the pattern myself, however, the Etsy seller is no longer selling. Would you be interested in sharing your pattern?

Puma Shoes

Thanks a great deal! I truly enjoyed reading this.Looking via these posts and also the material you've provided I can appreciate that I still have a great deal of things to learn.
6.These articles are fantastic; the specifics you show us is interesting for everybody and is really wonderful written. It’s just outstanding!!


Weird, I was just thinking about how I love Polaroid shots and wish there was a setting on my camera for a Polaroid effect...


Super cute for a cutie pie!


Awesome! I love the hat and the pics too!


Your hat is beautiful! I love a quick knit post-Christmas and hats always fit the bill. I just made Autumn for my daughter - a bulky slouch and it worked up in one day. I'm trying to find something that will work with my big head.

Alli (One Pearl Button)

Love the hat and the Polaroid effect!

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