Looks like spring has funny sprung here in St. Louis... and all I can do is think of everything I have to do. My to do lists are growing - the crafty kind, the home improvement kind and the personal kind.
For crafts, I am currently in the middle of two main projects. And once those are complete, there are at least ten others that will happily take their place in the queue. But for now, I have fabric for 2 Stash and Dash Toiletry Bags ready to be sewn and a fun pair of wide leg pants for my April In Stitches Along project. Both are fun, which will come first, who knows. It will probably just depend on my mood.
For home improvements, I have the basic spring yard cleaning duties on my plate. Especially interesting this year because we said hello to spring in early March, good-bye to it in late March and hopefully hello for the last time this week. My yard and plants are a mess. Everything started to bud and bloom... and then froze. I lost a bunch of hostas... and even the leaves on my rose of sharon tree are all wilty. So even though spring seems to be here, the beautiful greenery and flowers are not. Sad. In addition, I am trying to decide on a pair of new shutters and a light for the front of my house. This is actually fun, as long as I can keep within my budget.
You know the mood I mentioned up under crafts, well, that is what I meant by personal to do list. My mood just isn't quite springy yet. Actually it isn't all that great. Half of which I am attributing to the fact that somehow over the course of a month, my clothes just don't fit... and I don't mean to big. I need to get back into my fitness routine - scheduled fitness and a food diary are coming my way. Thank goodness the weather is getting better and the days are longer, because I am just naturally more active now than in the winter. I typically consider myself an athlete. I really want to focus on that part of the equation - what I can do to become a healthier, stronger and a more confident athlete (tennis player, volleyball player etc.) It is, for me, a more productive way of looking at weight and defining my body image. Part of this to do list may be exploring other athletic endeavors that aren't team oriented, so I can do them on my own schedule. I have never been a runner... I have just always had a mental block in that area so I am not sure that is the path I want to take. If anyone has ideas in this area, I would appreciate the input.
So the to do lists are getting long. I think I need to stop there so I don't get overwehlmed. Time to complete some tasks and check some things off... I love checking things off, I think that is the best part of lists!